Mr Khaled Al Kayyali is the investor behind Lavasta Pharma and the majority shareholder of the company. He holds both a Bachelor in Management degree and an MBA in Finance from San Jose University in California.
Mr Khaled is an entrepreneurial businessman with a diverse portfolio of family enterprises in Saudi Arabia including; pharmaceutical manufacturing, pharmaceutical and medical devises distribution and commercialization, National Antivenom and Vaccines Production Centre project with the National Guard, as well as other projects outside Saudi Arabia.
With an extensive experience portfolio in Administration, Logistics, IT, Finance and Commercial functions, Mr Khaled has a strategic vision and an exceptional eye for detail to invest in entrepreneurial projects that meet current and future market needs. One such project is the founding of Lavasta Pharma, that he firmly believes and envisions to become a new generation Pharmaceutical company that target unique innovator products and services that defy conventional therapeutics and practices. He is the drive and support behind the company that will help it meet its goals and objectives.